Sunday, October 2, 2011


There are few sailing related things more demoralizing than finishing behind a very similarly rated boat in a different time zone, but I am getting way ahead of myself. I was quite skeptical about any wind showing up for today's race after a few days of socked in cloud and drizzle but a gentle 5 knot breeze did eventually make an appearance about 10 minutes after the starting gun today. It was the first general start with all fleets combined for the same sequence. This always makes for some interesting sailing with the opportunity to race against several new boats with the combined fleets. The downside is floating along next to a boat with a much slower rating knowing he is kicking your but on corrected time even though no one is moving, such is the PHRF game we play. Our course for today was SPDXCAF but no one believed we might actually complete it with the 0 to 2 knot winds that were present during the start of the race. We had a good front row full speed start but quickly got rolled and gassed by the J29. We tried to break with the fleet and try for a little more breeze towards the center of the lake even though it might mean sailing on a header back towards P. We managed to makeup quite a bit of time on the first downwind leg and quickly found ourselves as the number 3 boat. The J29 had special guest star Bill C onboard even though it was obvious they didn't need the help. We crossed tacks with Decision and Woo Hoo several times and it was anybody's game. As it turned out we crossed the finish line 3rd just behind Decision and miles behind J who ,although deserving, I must not mention how awesome they did as to avoid any overly inflated egos ;) A great day on the water and the race days left are dwindling fast.

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