I trust everyone has been enjoying one of the more mild winters that the Okanagan has experienced in recent years. Even the skiers should be happy with the ample snow coating our local hills. It may seem far off at this time but our 2012 sailing season is literally right around the corner. With the change of leadership within the race committee being handed over to Peter W comes some changes to our tried and true racing schedule. Notably the spring and fall Sunday series have been renamed the Fringe series and will not be scored towards the overall for 2012. With that also comes a change in the discards available for each month. As it now stands we will be scoring the best 14 out of 17 races so your attendance is mandatory if you and your crew hope to secure a spot on the podium for this year. The first of only 2 tuneups starts March 18th with the first race of Fringe 1 starting April 1st. All Sunday races will have a 12 noon start time with Wednesday nights sticking to 6:15pm. The full schedule will be posted on www.oksailing.com. See you on the water soon.
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