After a very disappointing race last weekend we were rewarded with much more favorable conditions for this Sunday's race day. The winds were still quite light, in the 5-7 knot range, however I don't recall ever seeing a more consistent speed and direction for the whole race. The startline was moved down to C mark to keep us away from the annual ski to sea activities happening closer to the bridge. The course was CXDCPTC and offered a little bit of everything. There was a great turn out today with many out of town boats in the mix, proof that Peter's plan of attracting more competition has indeed worked. We had a great start positioned right on the line near the boat end just off of Ghost Riders right hip. I was quite happy with our ability to hang with several fast boats in both the upwind and downwind legs despite these lighter conditions. It was a rare treat to find winds so steady that I found myself actually able to take my eyes off the telltales for a few moments and was afforded the chance to actually look around to take it all in. We were neck and neck with Alan B's Rocket and Ghost Rider right up to the last beat when we decided to split tacks and unfortunately found ourselves on the unfavored tack as the other two boats pulled ahead. It sure is a much more enjoyable sport when you add boat for boat tactics into the mix instead of just racing alone against the ever ticking clock. Lets hope this season continues to improve and attract even more competition on the startline.
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